Friday, May 27, 2011

Ciao da Roma!!!

Rome is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever experienced. It's so rich in culture and history, and the wonderful language and people add to the magic of it all. Here are some quick photos from my family's trip. More details to come, but for now... Arrivederci! We are off to explore!

Roma es una de las ciudades más hermosas que he visitado. Acá hay tanta cultura e historia, y el idioma y la gente es parte del encanto de la ciudad. Acá pongo algunas fotos rápidas del viaje familiar. Les doy más detalles después, pero por ahora ... Arrivederci! Nos vamos a explorar!
Via di Corsi
Vino della Casa
Sorella (hermana en Italiano)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bizcochuelo de Leche Caliente

Los días de lluvia me dan un antojo de algo dulce.

Éste bizcochuelo de leche caliente lo hice con una receta Crandon, un instituto uruguayo que da cursos y distribuye libros con recetas muy populares.

Encontré muchas variaciones online de esta deliciosa torta. Pero, creo que ninguna va a salir tan rica que como la que hice hoy. :)

Acá está la receta del Crandon:

Horno:           350°F 30 minutos
Calentar 1/2 taza leche y 1 Cda. manteca.
Batir 2 huevos.
Agregar 1 taza azúcar y 1 cta. de vainilla. 
Mezclar y agregar 1 1/4 taza harina modificada cernida, 2 ctas. polvo de hornear, y 1/2 cta. sal.
Agregar la leche caliente muy rápidamente y verter en molde enmantecado. Hornear. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de... What?

Cinco de Mayo is a pretty big 'holiday' in the U.S. It's had so much buildup that many people now think it's Mexico's independence day or something. Well, it's not.

Cinco de Mayo actually just commemorates a small Mexican victory over the French. Only in the state of Puebla is this battle celebrated.

So, let's be honest, Cinco de Mayo it's just another American excuse to drink. It's also a chance for Mexican restaurants to cash in on Cinco de Mayo's crazy events. 

Event, restaurant, and bar promoters have come up with 'witty' names for the day... "Cinco de Drinko", "Cinco de Chaos"... etc.

I frankly don't have an opinion about it. I have never been one to go crazy about a day that has nothing to do with me or most other people celebrating it. But to each his own, right? In the meantime... here's a video of my brother as a mariachi. Enjoy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Graduation Day!

It's official... I'm a University of Florida graduate!
Ya es oficial... me gradué de la University de Florida!
Mis parientes y amigos probandose la gorra!

Go Gators!