Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fishing if Life and Fishing is Dying... 2 Years Later

In September 2009, I traveled to Icapuí and Praia de Redonda in northeastern Brazil to produce an audio piece about life there. Along with nine other journalism students, we formed the Florida FlyIns- a group of UF journalists whom travel to country in Latin America for about a week to gather stories and take pictures, and at the end of the semester prepare a gallery to exhibit all the work. 

I spent all day, everyday with a man named Eliseus da Sousa and his son Elisiel. These ten days in Brazil resulted in this audio piece, but more importantly, these ten days in Brazil changed my life. 

En setiembre del 2009, viajé a Icapuí y Praia de Redonda, en el noreste de Brasil, para producir un relato sobre la vida allí. Junto con nueve estudiantes de periodismo, formamos los FlyIns Florida- un grupo de periodistas de UF que viajan a países de América Latina por una semana, y al final del semestre, preparan una galería para exhibir sus trabajos.

Pasaba todos los días, todo el día, 
con un hombre que se llama Eliseus da Sousa y su hijo Elisiel. Esos diez días en Brasil resultaron en este cuento, pero lo que es más importante es que estos diez días en Brasil cambiaron mi vida.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked these stories in your blog I found them useful for little students and I would like to tell you that I have also started my blog but the subject is different Spanish my life I have to tell I have a community in my city that we call a story club there we daily tell experiences and stories and I found your stories useful. Now these days we do not conduct our club because of COVID-19 but we do that online all members come online and share them. And I would like to say thank you so much for writing such stories and to spread knowledge. Really appreciated.
