Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fishing if Life and Fishing is Dying... 2 Years Later

In September 2009, I traveled to Icapuí and Praia de Redonda in northeastern Brazil to produce an audio piece about life there. Along with nine other journalism students, we formed the Florida FlyIns- a group of UF journalists whom travel to country in Latin America for about a week to gather stories and take pictures, and at the end of the semester prepare a gallery to exhibit all the work. 

I spent all day, everyday with a man named Eliseus da Sousa and his son Elisiel. These ten days in Brazil resulted in this audio piece, but more importantly, these ten days in Brazil changed my life. 

En setiembre del 2009, viajé a Icapuí y Praia de Redonda, en el noreste de Brasil, para producir un relato sobre la vida allí. Junto con nueve estudiantes de periodismo, formamos los FlyIns Florida- un grupo de periodistas de UF que viajan a países de América Latina por una semana, y al final del semestre, preparan una galería para exhibir sus trabajos.

Pasaba todos los días, todo el día, 
con un hombre que se llama Eliseus da Sousa y su hijo Elisiel. Esos diez días en Brasil resultaron en este cuento, pero lo que es más importante es que estos diez días en Brasil cambiaron mi vida.

Friday, October 28, 2011

NPR: Immigrants Hope Their "American Dream" Isn't Fading

This story might be more than two years old, but it's still pertinent to today's society. What do you think? Do you think immigrants today are still having a hard time because of the economic recession? 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Entrevista con Paulo Coelho

Sí hay un libro que ha cambiado mi vida completamente es "El Alquimista." He leido casi todos los libros de Paulo Coelho, y aunque todos son buenos, "El Alquimista" siempre va a ser mi favorito.

Paulo Coelho es un escritor estupendo, no sólo por la manera que escribe, sino porque no tiene miedo de hacer cuentos sobre una cosa tan intangible pero tan poderosa - nuestros destinos. Lo sigo a Coelho en Twitter, y siempre twittea una frase conmovedora como:
"Somos lo que hacemos, y no lo que pensamos que debemos hacer."
"Vive sin remordimientos y ame sin excusas."
"El amor es sólo una palabra hasta que alguien viene y le da sentido."

En ésta entrevista, Coelho habla sobre la suerte, coincidencia, y fé. ¡Que disfruten!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning Spanish with Bueno, Entonces...

Learning a new language is hard, but these days there are so many things that can make it easier. Now we've got things like Rosetta Stone, and Live Mocha to help us learn a language without having to sit in a classroom.

If you're on a budget and looking for a great way to learn Spanish, Bueno, entonces is a super cool tool to help you get conversational. I stumbled upon it online and I'm excited to tell all my friends about it. It's great because it's not intimidating and it's unexpectedly fun.

Many Spanish-teaching programs focus too much on grammar and formalities, but when it comes to actually speaking in Spanish, they fail in making their students comfortable with the language. Polishing the language should come after you begin to get a feel of how Spanish really works for everyday people.

Check out the first lesson of Bueno, entonces... and tell me what you think! Hope this helps!

Speak conversational Spanish in just 5 weeks with Bueno, entonces...

Obviamente esto es un video para gente que quiere aprender a hablar en español. Pero sin embargo, lo encontré muy entretenido. Aprender un idioma es difícil, y para la gente que habla ingles, aprender español es bastante difícil porque hay quinientas mil reglas con todo. Los videos de Bueno, entonces están buenísimos, porque no asusta a sus alumnos con reglas complicadas, y además, son divertidísimos. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Se Hábla Spanglish

There's a difference between speaking English and Spanish and speaking Spanglish. The first option involves speaking two languages and the second involves mixing the the two.  Spanglish has really become its own new language, with its own set of vague, weird rules. Spanish-speaking Americans have created an entire sub-culture. And some things that we say can only be interpreted by Spanglish speakers themselves.

Sometimes it's taking an English verb and putting them into Spanish grammar:
   * "Voy a 'catchear' el bus." (I'm going to take the bus.)
   * "Vamos a 'tanear'."  (Let's tan.)
   * "Tenemos que 'parquear' ahí." - (We have go park there.)

Or a sudden switch of language.
   * "Pero take it easy, no te estreses mucho, you can do it." (Text from my mom.)
   * "Quiero watch un poco de TV."
   * "I'm going to ir a la escuela."

Excerpt from Stavans' book.
My question is (in true Spanglish style) ¿Porqué do we do this? Ilan Stavans tries to answer this question in his book, Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language. It all has to do with retaining the hispanic identity, adapting to a new one, and simply making life easier. Most of the made up words and frases result from our brains picking out what is easier to say. 

NPR produced a very interesting piece called "Spanglish, A New American Language" in 2003 about Stavans' book. My 'favorito' part of the story is a quote from Stavans: "Latinos are learning English. That doesn't mean that they should sacrifice their original language or that they should give up this in-betweeness that is Spanglish." 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

'Hella Old' College Students

UF campus.
It's back-to-school time again, and yesterday marked my first day back for another semester of grad school. When I spotted some the anxious faces walking around campus, I vividly remembered my first day as a college freshman. I was petrified, but at the same time so proud to finally be in college with all the big kids.

Even though it was only four years ago it feels like it has been decades. When I saw all the new freshman I suddenly felt older than ever... even though I probably look just as young and I'm only a couple months out of undergrad. It got me to thinking about the adults who go back to school and have to put up with the annoying, immature freshman in their classes, and when their own kids could be just as old as their classmates.

In a California publication called Mercury News, Tony Hicks writes about his experience as 44-year-old in college. His article titled "Apparently, I'm 'hella old'" is probably one of the funniest pieces of journalism I've ever read. Frankly, I feel sorry for Hicks. It's already hard enough as it is to be a regular-aged college student; people get bullied all the time. But for a grown man to be bullied by a bratty kid? Plus, what kind of person still says the word 'hella'...? Seriously, aren't you supposed to be in college? 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amnistía Internacional Uruguay: Video de los 25 Años

Hace más o menos un año, tuve la maravillosa experiencia de trabajar con Amnistía Internacional en Uruguay. Con un gran equipo de personas, produjimos este video para celebrar los 25 años de existencia de Amnistía Internacional en el Uruguay. Esta organización mundial sigue con la misma misión: crear justicia y paz en el mundo. Espero que este video no sólo les muestre lo que es Amnistía Internacional, si no que también los motive a unirse a esta causa tan significativa. 

More than a year ago, I had the wonderful experience of working with Amnesty International in Uruguay. With a great group of people, we produced this video to celebrate 25 years of Amnesty International in Uruguay. This worldwide organization still has the same mission: to create justice and peace in the world. I hope this video will not only show you what Amnesty International is, but also motivate you to join this significant cause.