Monday, August 1, 2011

Cleaning the House, 50's style.

In the good ol' days, beautiful housewives would spend the day cooking a scrumptious meal and cleaning to make everything in the house shine, and still look gorgeous while doing it. After a day of working like a slave, they would greet their husbands with a big smile and a large glass of whiskey. Where are these marvelous, flawless women now?

First of all, I doubt these women actually existed. Sure, perhaps there were some ladies that cleaned in super expensive clothes and heavy makeup, but I'm pretty positive that this image is only a figment of the media's imagination. 
The formula for happiness: cake and ice cream
for your husband.
As untruthful as it might have been, the picture of the perfect housewife is still prominent. Except for these days, the housewives people idealize are the lazy, raunchy reality TV stars. Popular shows, like Housewives of Orange County, are now making it seem like it is normal to be catty, have too much plastic surgery, and ignore their children. Honestly, I'd rather the media have a skewed yet innocent image of women, than a skewed yet impure image.
At what point did society make it acceptable for
a 40-year-old woman to be so gross?
I'd rather her be my mother than one of those
Orange County reality stars.
Anyway, how great would it be if we could look beautiful while still doing housework? Sundays is cleaning day in my house, and instead of wearing workout shorts and an old shirt, one of my roommates opted to do her dirty work in a fifties-inspired dress and heals. 

Beatriz, vacuuming, a vision
in yellow.


  1. Hahaha Luuuu. Don't you mean figment of imagination? This reminds of the whole e-walk/ewok/Chihuahua when you meant Chewbaca post on facebook.

  2. Haha, Yes Maria... I'll change that now. P.S. I'm desperately looking for an editor... want to schedule an interview?? :D

  3. هل تريد الحصول على افضل شركة تنظيف بالرياض نقدم لكم افضل شركات التنظيف بالرياض على الاطلاق شركة ركن الاندلس وركن الرياض الافضل الامثل فى الرياض لتقديم جميع خدمات لتنظيف بسعر مناسب وبشكل يناسب الجميع لمزيد من المعلوامات يرجى الدخول من خلال الرابط التالى شركة تنظيف بالرياض
    لدينا ايضا شركاتاخر تقدم جميع خدمات التنظيف بالرياض اليكم اقدم وافضل شركات التنظيف فى الرياض اليكم الرابط الرئيسى لشركة لتحصل على المعلومات الكافية حولةالخدمة التى نقدمها وبعضروابطالخدماتالاخرى مثل شركة تنظيف بالرياض
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض
