Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fishing if Life and Fishing is Dying... 2 Years Later

In September 2009, I traveled to Icapuí and Praia de Redonda in northeastern Brazil to produce an audio piece about life there. Along with nine other journalism students, we formed the Florida FlyIns- a group of UF journalists whom travel to country in Latin America for about a week to gather stories and take pictures, and at the end of the semester prepare a gallery to exhibit all the work. 

I spent all day, everyday with a man named Eliseus da Sousa and his son Elisiel. These ten days in Brazil resulted in this audio piece, but more importantly, these ten days in Brazil changed my life. 

En setiembre del 2009, viajé a Icapuí y Praia de Redonda, en el noreste de Brasil, para producir un relato sobre la vida allí. Junto con nueve estudiantes de periodismo, formamos los FlyIns Florida- un grupo de periodistas de UF que viajan a países de América Latina por una semana, y al final del semestre, preparan una galería para exhibir sus trabajos.

Pasaba todos los días, todo el día, 
con un hombre que se llama Eliseus da Sousa y su hijo Elisiel. Esos diez días en Brasil resultaron en este cuento, pero lo que es más importante es que estos diez días en Brasil cambiaron mi vida.

Friday, October 28, 2011

NPR: Immigrants Hope Their "American Dream" Isn't Fading

This story might be more than two years old, but it's still pertinent to today's society. What do you think? Do you think immigrants today are still having a hard time because of the economic recession? 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Entrevista con Paulo Coelho

Sí hay un libro que ha cambiado mi vida completamente es "El Alquimista." He leido casi todos los libros de Paulo Coelho, y aunque todos son buenos, "El Alquimista" siempre va a ser mi favorito.

Paulo Coelho es un escritor estupendo, no sólo por la manera que escribe, sino porque no tiene miedo de hacer cuentos sobre una cosa tan intangible pero tan poderosa - nuestros destinos. Lo sigo a Coelho en Twitter, y siempre twittea una frase conmovedora como:
"Somos lo que hacemos, y no lo que pensamos que debemos hacer."
"Vive sin remordimientos y ame sin excusas."
"El amor es sólo una palabra hasta que alguien viene y le da sentido."

En ésta entrevista, Coelho habla sobre la suerte, coincidencia, y fé. ¡Que disfruten!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning Spanish with Bueno, Entonces...

Learning a new language is hard, but these days there are so many things that can make it easier. Now we've got things like Rosetta Stone, and Live Mocha to help us learn a language without having to sit in a classroom.

If you're on a budget and looking for a great way to learn Spanish, Bueno, entonces is a super cool tool to help you get conversational. I stumbled upon it online and I'm excited to tell all my friends about it. It's great because it's not intimidating and it's unexpectedly fun.

Many Spanish-teaching programs focus too much on grammar and formalities, but when it comes to actually speaking in Spanish, they fail in making their students comfortable with the language. Polishing the language should come after you begin to get a feel of how Spanish really works for everyday people.

Check out the first lesson of Bueno, entonces... and tell me what you think! Hope this helps!

Speak conversational Spanish in just 5 weeks with Bueno, entonces...

Obviamente esto es un video para gente que quiere aprender a hablar en español. Pero sin embargo, lo encontré muy entretenido. Aprender un idioma es difícil, y para la gente que habla ingles, aprender español es bastante difícil porque hay quinientas mil reglas con todo. Los videos de Bueno, entonces están buenísimos, porque no asusta a sus alumnos con reglas complicadas, y además, son divertidísimos. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Se Hábla Spanglish

There's a difference between speaking English and Spanish and speaking Spanglish. The first option involves speaking two languages and the second involves mixing the the two.  Spanglish has really become its own new language, with its own set of vague, weird rules. Spanish-speaking Americans have created an entire sub-culture. And some things that we say can only be interpreted by Spanglish speakers themselves.

Sometimes it's taking an English verb and putting them into Spanish grammar:
   * "Voy a 'catchear' el bus." (I'm going to take the bus.)
   * "Vamos a 'tanear'."  (Let's tan.)
   * "Tenemos que 'parquear' ahí." - (We have go park there.)

Or a sudden switch of language.
   * "Pero take it easy, no te estreses mucho, you can do it." (Text from my mom.)
   * "Quiero watch un poco de TV."
   * "I'm going to ir a la escuela."

Excerpt from Stavans' book.
My question is (in true Spanglish style) ¿Porqué do we do this? Ilan Stavans tries to answer this question in his book, Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language. It all has to do with retaining the hispanic identity, adapting to a new one, and simply making life easier. Most of the made up words and frases result from our brains picking out what is easier to say. 

NPR produced a very interesting piece called "Spanglish, A New American Language" in 2003 about Stavans' book. My 'favorito' part of the story is a quote from Stavans: "Latinos are learning English. That doesn't mean that they should sacrifice their original language or that they should give up this in-betweeness that is Spanglish." 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

'Hella Old' College Students

UF campus.
It's back-to-school time again, and yesterday marked my first day back for another semester of grad school. When I spotted some the anxious faces walking around campus, I vividly remembered my first day as a college freshman. I was petrified, but at the same time so proud to finally be in college with all the big kids.

Even though it was only four years ago it feels like it has been decades. When I saw all the new freshman I suddenly felt older than ever... even though I probably look just as young and I'm only a couple months out of undergrad. It got me to thinking about the adults who go back to school and have to put up with the annoying, immature freshman in their classes, and when their own kids could be just as old as their classmates.

In a California publication called Mercury News, Tony Hicks writes about his experience as 44-year-old in college. His article titled "Apparently, I'm 'hella old'" is probably one of the funniest pieces of journalism I've ever read. Frankly, I feel sorry for Hicks. It's already hard enough as it is to be a regular-aged college student; people get bullied all the time. But for a grown man to be bullied by a bratty kid? Plus, what kind of person still says the word 'hella'...? Seriously, aren't you supposed to be in college? 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amnistía Internacional Uruguay: Video de los 25 Años

Hace más o menos un año, tuve la maravillosa experiencia de trabajar con Amnistía Internacional en Uruguay. Con un gran equipo de personas, produjimos este video para celebrar los 25 años de existencia de Amnistía Internacional en el Uruguay. Esta organización mundial sigue con la misma misión: crear justicia y paz en el mundo. Espero que este video no sólo les muestre lo que es Amnistía Internacional, si no que también los motive a unirse a esta causa tan significativa. 

More than a year ago, I had the wonderful experience of working with Amnesty International in Uruguay. With a great group of people, we produced this video to celebrate 25 years of Amnesty International in Uruguay. This worldwide organization still has the same mission: to create justice and peace in the world. I hope this video will not only show you what Amnesty International is, but also motivate you to join this significant cause.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Cleaning the House, 50's style.

In the good ol' days, beautiful housewives would spend the day cooking a scrumptious meal and cleaning to make everything in the house shine, and still look gorgeous while doing it. After a day of working like a slave, they would greet their husbands with a big smile and a large glass of whiskey. Where are these marvelous, flawless women now?

First of all, I doubt these women actually existed. Sure, perhaps there were some ladies that cleaned in super expensive clothes and heavy makeup, but I'm pretty positive that this image is only a figment of the media's imagination. 
The formula for happiness: cake and ice cream
for your husband.
As untruthful as it might have been, the picture of the perfect housewife is still prominent. Except for these days, the housewives people idealize are the lazy, raunchy reality TV stars. Popular shows, like Housewives of Orange County, are now making it seem like it is normal to be catty, have too much plastic surgery, and ignore their children. Honestly, I'd rather the media have a skewed yet innocent image of women, than a skewed yet impure image.
At what point did society make it acceptable for
a 40-year-old woman to be so gross?
I'd rather her be my mother than one of those
Orange County reality stars.
Anyway, how great would it be if we could look beautiful while still doing housework? Sundays is cleaning day in my house, and instead of wearing workout shorts and an old shirt, one of my roommates opted to do her dirty work in a fifties-inspired dress and heals. 

Beatriz, vacuuming, a vision
in yellow.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Devil's Millhopper: Gainesville Go-To

Walking down the sinkhole. A work-out going back up!
I think I might make it my mission to find the coolest things to do in and near Gainesville. The Devil's Millhopper sinkhole is definitly making the list. This mini get-away is a 120 feet-deep limestone sinkhole.

As you walk down, you'll find about a dozen little waterfalls trickling their way down to the bottom of the sinkhole. Since the sinkhole basically has it's own climate down there (it's cooler in the summer and warmer in the winters), it is a home to three distinct ecological environments.

Here's an interesting fact I learned about this cool site (thank you, Internet): The sinkhole got its name because it looked like a hopper (chute) of a mill, and people also found bones at the bottom, so they concluded that animals entered the sinkhole on the way to meeting the devil. A little spooky, huh?
Entering the sinkhole. I'll admit it... now that I know what
Devil's Millhopper means, I'm a little scared to go back.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

La Celeste, Campeones de la Copa América

La selección con la Copa América.  AP.
¡Que orgullo! Uruguay ganó la Copa América... y por la decimoquinta vez. Ahora Uruguay ha ganado este torneo más veces que cualquier otro país.

La Copa América es el torneo de fútbol más viejo y uno de los más importantes del mundo. Solo la Copa Mundial es más importante para la selección celeste.

Aunque no vivo en Uruguay, siento tanto orgullo en ver a mi país llegar a ser campeones de América. Es increíble como un deporte puede unir a un país entero, y hasta unir a los que se han ido. Para un país con sólo 3 millones de personas, el Uruguay ha sido un de protagonista en este deporte del mundo.

Todos los uruguayos tienen un gran amor para el fútbol. Como el máte y el asado, el fútbol caracteriza  la cultura uruguaya. Esta selección charrua me da orgullo de ser uruguaya.  En Uruguay, hay un dicho: "es sólo querer..." y eso es exactamente lo que hemos hecho.
Diego Forlan, my favorite. 

What pride! Uruguay won the Copa America ... for the fifteenth timeUruguay now has won this tournament more times than any other country. The Copa America soccer tournament is the oldest and one of the largest in the world. Only the World Cup is more important for the "celeste" team.

Even though I no longer live in Uruguay anymore, I feel super proud to see my country become champions of America. It is incredible that a sport can bring an entire country together, and unite even those who have left.

Uruguay is small but has achieved so much and we are all more than proud. The team "charrua" makes me proud to be Uruguayan. In Uruguay, there is a saying that goes, "es sólo querer," which means that you only have to want something, but want it with love and passion, and you will achieve it. That's exactly what we've done.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Un Fenómeno Llega a su Fin: Harry Potter

La última película de la saga de Harry Potter se estrenó este fin de semana. Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte (en inglés es Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) concluye la serie de J.K. Rowling adorada por todo el mundo. Millones de niños y adultos han quedado enamorados con el cuento del "niño que vivió." Y yo también... desde los once años he leido los libros, y varias veces cada uno.

Yo en 2001 leyendo Harry Potter y el Prisonero de Azkaban.

Esta semana, antes de ir a ver la película, decidí mirar todas las películas anteriores otra vez (¿que nerd no?). Y creo que las películas han sido fieles a los libros. Aunque siempre pensé que los libros son mucho mejores que las películas, siempre las miro, y este fin de semana fui a ver la última. Realmente estuvo espectacular.

Todavia creo que los libros son mejores, pero no voy a negar que las películas están bárbaras. La cosa es que todos hemos crecido (de alguna manera) con Harry Potter y con los personajes en los libros y los actores de las películas. Los hemos visto crecer, y creo que eso es lo mas lindo. En fin: vayan a ver la última película de este cuento que siempre estará en nuestros corazones.

Este fin de semana con los lentes para HP en 3D. ¿Están buenos, no?

¡Que foto tan vieja! Hace una decada que estoy leyendo estos libros!

Monday, July 11, 2011

"The Top Secret Space": American Dream

The Top Secret Space entrance.
Strolling around downtown Gainesville can sometimes lead you to some very interesting places, believe it or not.

I stumbled upon The Top Secret Space walking down Main street, and I was lured in by a sign that read, "Free Art Show." Inside of this grungy-looking building is a gallery entitled "American Dream."

July 29th is the last time to see the show.
The exhibition features art from over 50 artists from all over the country.

I thought it was a very interesting insight to how people envision the great country of the red, white and blue.

There was prominent sarcasm in almost all of the works. Collectively, the exhibition conveyed a very bleak, distrustful vision of America.

To say the least, "American Dream" has some entertaining concepts: pop-culture, unnecessary war, government corruption. All in all, a definite must-see.

A pretty good crowd Saturday night.

Unbearable Lightness of Dreaming
Assemblage Installation by
Celino Dimitroff and Wendy Michel.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rome... gelato, piazzas, and little cars.

Piazza navona.
With the traveling, the start of graduate school and all of the other wonderful things in life that let me be out and about and not glued to a computer, I have not been updating my blog in a couple of weeks. :S

This summer has been busy for me, and I've been wanting to write tons of posts about everything I've done, so now I have to play catch up. Today marks a fresh start to blogging and I'm back for good!

Update #1: Italy and Spain
With my family, I traveled to Rome, Florence, Barcelona, Toledo, and Madrid. There's so much to say about all those experiences but I have to start somewhere...

Rome. What an amazing city. There are no words to describe how gorgeous it is. There have been millions of articles written about how fascinating it is, what to do when you're there, its intensely rich history, etc. So, I won't bore you with the details.
Yummmmmmy gelato.
Apart from all the go-to touristy things, just being in the city was my favorite part. With all the pizza eating, wine drinking, and gelato enjoying, I have to say Italian cuisine is one of my favorites.

Also the dozens of wonderful Roman piazzas were relaxing and impressively safe (even at nighttime). Not many great cities in the world boast so many safe, enjoyable plazas where families and friends can go to enjoy a gelato, a stroll or simply a good conversation.

Walking along the streets of Rome, another big impression is the cars. These tiny little things, most of them smaller than smart cars, park anywhere they want. The experienced Roman drivers can fit into practically any tiny space. But watch out for those motorcycles... you never know when one's going to turn a corner!

View from Hotel Medici window.
The tiniest of tiny.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ciao da Roma!!!

Rome is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever experienced. It's so rich in culture and history, and the wonderful language and people add to the magic of it all. Here are some quick photos from my family's trip. More details to come, but for now... Arrivederci! We are off to explore!

Roma es una de las ciudades más hermosas que he visitado. Acá hay tanta cultura e historia, y el idioma y la gente es parte del encanto de la ciudad. Acá pongo algunas fotos rápidas del viaje familiar. Les doy más detalles después, pero por ahora ... Arrivederci! Nos vamos a explorar!
Via di Corsi
Vino della Casa
Sorella (hermana en Italiano)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bizcochuelo de Leche Caliente

Los días de lluvia me dan un antojo de algo dulce.

Éste bizcochuelo de leche caliente lo hice con una receta Crandon, un instituto uruguayo que da cursos y distribuye libros con recetas muy populares.

Encontré muchas variaciones online de esta deliciosa torta. Pero, creo que ninguna va a salir tan rica que como la que hice hoy. :)

Acá está la receta del Crandon:

Horno:           350°F 30 minutos
Calentar 1/2 taza leche y 1 Cda. manteca.
Batir 2 huevos.
Agregar 1 taza azúcar y 1 cta. de vainilla. 
Mezclar y agregar 1 1/4 taza harina modificada cernida, 2 ctas. polvo de hornear, y 1/2 cta. sal.
Agregar la leche caliente muy rápidamente y verter en molde enmantecado. Hornear. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de... What?

Cinco de Mayo is a pretty big 'holiday' in the U.S. It's had so much buildup that many people now think it's Mexico's independence day or something. Well, it's not.

Cinco de Mayo actually just commemorates a small Mexican victory over the French. Only in the state of Puebla is this battle celebrated.

So, let's be honest, Cinco de Mayo it's just another American excuse to drink. It's also a chance for Mexican restaurants to cash in on Cinco de Mayo's crazy events. 

Event, restaurant, and bar promoters have come up with 'witty' names for the day... "Cinco de Drinko", "Cinco de Chaos"... etc.

I frankly don't have an opinion about it. I have never been one to go crazy about a day that has nothing to do with me or most other people celebrating it. But to each his own, right? In the meantime... here's a video of my brother as a mariachi. Enjoy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Graduation Day!

It's official... I'm a University of Florida graduate!
Ya es oficial... me gradué de la University de Florida!
Mis parientes y amigos probandose la gorra!

Go Gators!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I'll Miss: CMIR and Weimer

Independent study group with Dean Wright
in the CMIR lab.

When I first heard of "Weimer," the name of the building for the College of Journalism and Communications, my first thoughts were that the name was a little funny. Little did I know that I would be spending most of my college times in weirdly-named place.                      

Weimer and I have had long, studious nights together. Weimer has seen the best and worst of me. And now that I'm heading off to graduate school to get my Masters' in International Business, I know I will miss Weimer. 
The College of Journalism and Communication has given me so much. I've learned so much from its professors. Never had I thought that I would be able to work with such amazing technology and equipment. WUFT has a full-fledged television studio, comparable to any local news station.

WUFT camera.
The CMIR Lab is one of the most interesting, new marvels held within the walls of Weimer hall. It's called the Center for Media Innovation and Research. Designed for all majors in the college, this news lab is the epitome of synergy. As the website says, the lab "will push the limits of digital media, providing an outlet for student and faculty projects that tell stories in new ways."

Because the lab opened this year, I have not gotten a chance to work in it as much as I would like to. I know this will be a tremendous resource for other students in the future. This is one of the many perks to studying in one of the best schools for journalism in the country. I will definitely miss my life as a Weimer girl.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Live Vibe TV: Signs of Life Performance


Signs of Life, UF's hip-hop theatre group is performing tonight at 8pm at the Digital Worlds Institute. Tune into Live Vibe TV to watch online. As the host of Live Vibe, I'll be doing a special interview with the actors after the show.  Make sure to tune in!

Signs of Life, el grupo de teatro de hip-hop de UF, va a tener un show esta noche a las 20:00 en el Digital Worlds Institute. Podés entrar a 
Live Vibe TV para mirar por la Internet. Como conductora de Live Vibe, voy a hacer una entrevista especial con los actores después del espectáculo. Contectáte!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gainesville Fashion Week: Opening Night

Gainesville Fashion Week is bigger and better than ever this year. The third annual GFW officially kicked off last night at Sharab with the opening night art celebration. My art was featured in the event, as well as other local artists' work. 

With it's pink carpet, guests felt like hollywood stars photographed by the "paparazzi." This social event definitely gives Gainesville that big-deal feel and gives aspiring models and designers a sense of what it's like to be in the spotlight.

Photo Credit: Insite Magazine

Photo: Insite.

Inside Sharab Lounge.
Photo: Insite

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lake City Crimes

WUFT story this week about the recent influx of crimes in the small town of Lake City, about an hour from Gainesville.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sol y Playa... Un Día Perfecto

Playa Ocean Reaf. Singer Island, Florida. West Palm Beach.

Mucha gente va al Caribe a irse de vacaciones. Algunos capaz a las playas de Brazil, Hawaii, o Fiji... depende donde vivís. ¿Pero porqué iría a estos lugares, si tengo ésta playa tan cerca?

Las playas de la Florida son unas de las más lindas del mundo. Tengo amigos que han ido a otras partes más "exóticas" y dicen que no vale la pena...

También, ¿en cual otro estado podría salir a la playa a principios de Abril?  En Nueva York recién están viendo el pasto después de meses con la nieve fría y fea. En Seattle todavía se están poniendo las camperotas cuando salen.

Prefiero la Florida, con su arena caliente y sol ardiente.
Ocean Reaf.

Monday, April 4, 2011

"The Tipping Point": Book Review

The dawn of the Hush Puppies shoes craze began with a group of hipsters. The development of the most popular children's show of all time, Sesame Street evolved from what was "sticky" to preschoolers. The small, close-knit groups of women suddenly made an obscure book, "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood", intensely popular. All these social epidemics share one thing in common: they each have a tipping point.

Hush Puppies Ad.
One of the funniest I found.
In "The Tipping Point," Malcom Gladwell argues there are distinct ingredients that lead to the creation of each phenomena. The combination of these ingredients lead to a threshold where something little becomes something great. A simple fashion idea becomes a national trend, a downward drift in crime turns into the an all-time low in crime rate. A simple message by horse mobilizes so many people and begins a revolutionary war. This is what Gladwell calls the "tipping point."

Gladwell doesn't provide ground-less how-to formulas. Instead, he provides a range of countless real-world examples from history, scientific studies, personality types, and expert opinions. All together he creates an intensely interesting idea. I found myself reading and reading the entire book so quickly without realizing the amount of crucial information I had just taken in.

On the front cover of my paperback version of "The Tipping Point," there is a quote by Fortune that says, "A fascinating book that makes you see the world in a different way." I had not noticed the quote until I finished, sat it down, and took a moment to take it all in. "Yes," I thought, "I do see the world in a different way."

That's because this book is unlike any thing I have ever read. I was utterly entertained while I was learning, and learning to think of things in visionary ways. I now find myself wondering about the tipping points of current social epidemics like Facebook and bloggers (like me).

Memories from childhood: Blues Clues
It's impossible to praise all the ingenious elements in "The Tipping Point," but I will touch upon some of my favorite moments in the book. Having younger siblings, I grew up watching Blue's Clues. When Gladwell began to talk about the reasoning behind the "Blue's Clues" phenomena, it was as if he was talking about an old friend.

The Nickelodeon children's show's tipping point is explained by the stickiness factor: the idea that the show is so captivating that it makes children pay attention, and thus learn. I remember being strikingly obsessed with Blue's Clues, even though I was well passed the four and five-year-old audience age.

Gladwell also writes about the different affects of persuasion. In part one of "The Power of Context" chapter, Gladwell describes how certain situations can make people act in certain ways. He illustrates the famous 1970's psychology experiment where normal people were separated into prisoners and prison guards and within days the guards fell into the power-hungry, cruel role and the prisoners into the rebellious role.

This illustrates one idea in "The Tipping Point."
It's the idea that three specific kinds of people
bring about social epidemics.
There was almost a scary undertone to his conclusive sentence: "…there are instances where you can take normal people from good schools and happy families and good neighborhoods and powerfully affect their behavior merely by changing their immediate details of their situation."

Although it might not seem possible at first thought, there are logical reasons behind every social phenomenon. Gladwell's intriguing book illustrates the power behind good communication and ideas. This fundamental knowledge in the world where everyone is trying to create a good social epidemic of their own.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photography: A Way of Life

Photography has recently become one of my passions. Don't get me wrong, I've always appreciated a beautiful photo. However, these past couple of years I've learned more about the art and technique behind a snapshot. But it's more than just getting the right settings and pressing the button. I've learned that photography is much more; it is a culture, a lifestyle, a way of life.

Mediterranean Sea, Israel. 2010.
Surfers enjoy the last minutes of daylight.
Photo taken by yours truly. 
Like most other things, my inspiration comes from other work, and most of the time, my peers' works.
Some of my classmates are showcasing their photography in their blogs: Kendall McCrory has beautiful photography in Click and Captured. I especially enjoyed the close-up of the cupcake, with perfect focus.

Also, Lee Ziesche has some gorgeous photos in her blog, Cooking College. Her blog shows us how to do a little more than just survive in college, and she also shows off some great videos she's made. And another fellow classmate, Heather Bureau, shares some fun experiences in The Mormon and the Gator. But in her charming And Everything Nice she exhibits striking photography around Gainesville, and the engaging presentation of her blog inspires me to keep Stories in Spanglish blooming.

Icapuí, Brazil. 2009.
Meet 5-year-old Eliseau, showing me a bug.
I took this with a Canon rebel. 
It's no wonder I'm so influenced by photography since most people around me love photography so much. My sister, Mariana, also has a terrific blog, and so does my friend Maria. You can't just read a manual and take a good photo, you need experience first and foremost. But sometimes you need good teachers.

Whether you're an amateur or professional, photography is something everyone should appreciate. It makes moments meaningful, feelings unforgettable, and memories memorable. It is a way of life.